Much research suggests that fasting from time to time can cleanse the body, rid it of toxins, and assist in better overall body function. Many chiropractors and other holistic medical professionals recommend fasting from time to time. On the other hand, there are many critics who are against fasting, believing that it starves the body and that sleeping is enough time to in between fueling your body so that your digestive system can get the rest in needs to function best. So, who is right? Who should we believe?
For centuries, people have practiced the art of fasting, whether it was to drop a few extra pounds or for religious and/or therapeutic reasons. When you fast, you voluntarily abstain from all substances (except water) for a certain amount of hours or days. It is suggested that a normal healthy person with no medical or chronic illnesses can withstand one to three days of fasting. Normally, if you plan to fast longer than three days, you should definitely consult with your doctor at Sunshine Chiropractic Clinic. We suggest seeing a trained health care professional, such as Dr. Chris Yi, DC, order to coach you through the process in a healthy way. Fasting is definitely not advised for pregnant women, nursing women, or people with cancer or AIDS. Consult with Dr. Chris Yi, DC if you are thinking about fasting but are diabetic, suffer from liver disease, or take a lot of medications.
If you decide fasting may be a valuable option for you, make sure to drink plenty of water, fast overnight to count as 8 hours with no food, and try to rewire your thought process as taking a “pause" from eating instead of “starving yourself". Fasting may not be for everyone, but it can be beneficial to your health if you do it in a healthy way. For more information on diet and nutritional tips, call our San Leandro office today at 510-357-6800. Dr. Chris Yi, DC is happy to help you throughout the process of becoming a healthier you!
The first step for optimal health and fasting is to schedule a free consultation in our office to discuss the specifics of your case.